Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Joining the Blogging World

Because my brilliant children said this would be easy, I thought I'd give it a try. Besides, Mike needs a way to disseminate all his musings to the world. And, this might just be a way for me to share my creations with others who'd be interested in purchasing them. (My children have also said that I should try to sell some of the things that I make instead of giving them all to them. Do I sense a hint there?) At any rate, (by blog-stalking) even over the many miles that separate us, I've found some wonderful news of old friends, seen some great pictures and been able to keep in touch with my kids. Nothing makes a smile come quicker to a grandma's face than a cute picture of her sweet grandchildren!!! And, so, we begin...

I've just been to Utah to spend three weeks with Laura while she was recovering from the birth of her first baby, McKenna. What a sweet little baby girl she is. But as we all know, first births can be hard on the mama who is worried about so many things. So I got be needed for a little while. It sure felt good again to be a mom in that way. While I was out there, I saw some pretty little newborn baby bracelets at Deseret Book and decided that "I could make some of those, too." Here are some pictures of my attempts. It looks like on EBAY they sell for $5.00/each.


Mr and Mrs Smith and Co said...

Looks like you are doing a fine job. Keep it up :)

Laura said...

Beautiful creations! Thanks again for ALL your help. You definitely were needed! Can't you guys move closer?? oh- and welcome to the blog world!