Sunday, November 16, 2008

Compare Baby Pictures

Laura just had a new baby girl and I happened to find a baby picture of her that looked SO very much like her daughter that I just had to put it online and let you be the judge. Of course it does show a much younger Mike and I along with cute little girl pictures of Mickelle and Emily. Jonathan isn't on the scene yet. I do believe that our little McKenna looks quite a bit like her mother, but she's changing so much already from the pictures that have been on Dan and Laura's blogspot. Babies grow up very, very quickly. It seems only yesterday that I was holding little Laura in my arms with two big sisters wanting to "help" take care of her. Families TRULY are forever! How grateful I am that we are working to keep ours together for eternity. It's not easy. In fact - it's hard! But we can do hard things. Right!?! It's why we're here!!!


Mr and Mrs Smith and Co said...

Yep... They do :) And check out that hair and outfits. Those are classic :)

Laura said...

Well, Dan's relieved she looks more like me... :) I think she's even cuter though!