Monday, February 23, 2009

New Software - Correction

We've had a CD of software called Collage Creator in our collection for a while now. I thought I'd give it a whirl and see what I could do with it. I didn't make the page very creative because I was going for more pictures instead of artsy. And, I don't have any of McKenna on it because she wasn't born yet when most of these pictures were taken of us playing or sitting or whatever on the grass. For now, just enjoy! I'll do more later. It's a slick way to get a lot of little pictures on at the same time. Now I just hope it translates big enough for you to see them all - how cute they are and what they are all doing in them. Just click on the collage and it will grow bigger so that you can see the pictures better. We have a fun family! Love You All Very Much! Mom XOXOXO!!!

Sorry about posting this twice. AND, correcting a post on a blog is a BEAR!!! See if you can see what I had to correct via Mickelle (aka - Miss Grammar!)


Mr and Mrs Smith and Co said...

Nope, no idea....

Mr and Mrs Smith and Co said...

PS- you could have just corrected the initial blog without reposting or letting everyone know you were correcting. That isn't too difficult to do :)